Translations cited in the pop-up notes

Pop-up notes in the transcription text include citations from the following Bible translations


bk. see (bakınız)
karş. cf., compare (karşılaştırınız)
haz. editor (hazırlayan)
terc. translator (tercüman)
KJV King James Version (1611) - viewable in parallel columns with Turkish at
KK Kutsal Kitap – Eski ve Yeni Antlaşma – Tevrat, Zebur ve İncil (2001, 2009)  © Kitab-ı Mukaddes Şti. ve The Translation Trust
AKİTT Açıklamalı Kutsal Kitap (2010)  © Kitab-ı Mukaddes Şti. ve Yeni Yaşam Yayınaları Tic. Ltd. Şti.
KM Kitab-ı Mukaddes (1941, 1987)  © The Bible Society in Turkey

Septuagint - Greek Old Testament (3rd century B.C.E.) viewable in parallel columns with Turkish at

Vul. Vulgate - Latin Bible (5th century C.E.) viewable in parallel columns with Turkish at


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